A lot of you have asked us to create a list of videos that either explain monarchism, put it in perspective, are thought provoking, or are informative in some way about it. If you have other videos to suggest that are not on the list please reach out, we'll watch it, and if we think its worth adding we'll add it to the list!
If you are a content creator yourself and create video's about monarchy or monarchism we would be happy to add your videos as well!
Liechtenstein: Where princes reign supreme | Focus on Europe. DW news
Is Liechtenstein a Libertarian Utopia?
How does DIRECT DEMOCRACY work in LIECHTENSTEIN? - VisualPolitik EN
A look at why monarchies still exist around world. GMA. HRH Grand Duchess of Luxembourg
WFGM18 - Fireside Chat with HRH the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg
Should Monarchies Still Exist in the 21st century? | Debate with J.J. McCullough
Monarchy and the American Founding
Behind the Revolt: The Origins of American Independence
Hoppe - Democracy Vs Monarchy
Frederick the Great: The Enigma of Prussia
Frederick III - German Emperor who could have Stopped the World Wars
Fugger - Banker Who Financed the Habsburgs
Basil II - Reformer, Restorer, Bulgarslayer
Marcus Aurelius - Philosopher Emperor
Aurelian: Emperor Who Restored the World
Documentary: The Hapsburg Empire - The Beautiful Blue Danube
Karl von Habsburg: Nationalism rise 'painful' BBC HARDtalk
What the Habsburg Empire got Right and Why it Matters | Pieter M. Judson | Yves Mény Lecture 2019
The Dissolution of Austria-Hungary: Causes and Consequences
Dr. Otto von Habsburg on Religion, Politics, and Education
Dr. Otto von Habsburg on Muslims and Christians in Europe
The Mises I Knew | Otto von Habsburg
Last Austrian emperor's heir buried in Vienna
Vienna: Funeral Procession of Otto von Habsburg
Habsburg Family Jewels
Al Jazeera Balkans: Karl von Habsburg English interview
Leanda de Lisle - White King - The Tragedy of Charles I
The Execution of Charles I: Killing a King
Was Charles I a murderer or martyr? | Was Charles I a bad king? | 5 Minute History
What was the Personal Rule? | Part One | English Civil War
What was the Personal Rule? | Part Two | English Civil War
The trial of Charles I: justice or show trial?
Why the Trial of Charles I was Illegitimate: A Brief Defense of the English King
Monarchy with David Starkey Ep.11 The King Killer
The Last King of Greece: King Constantine | Timeline
The Extraordinary Life of Princess Alice | Queen's Mother-in-Law | Real Royalty
Why Socrates Hated Democracy
The Sovereign State: Hobbes' Leviathan
How People become Monarchists, Charles Coulombe
Charles Coulombe, Monarchy vs Republic
Charles Coulombe, Objection to Monarchy: Bad Kings!
Charles Coulombe, Inbreeding in Monarchies
Charles Coulombe, Monarchy & Multiculturalism
Charles Coulombe, Italian Unification: Good or Bad?
Charles Coulombe, Constitutional Monarchy vs. Absolute Monarchy
Hampton Court Secrets of Henry VIIIs Palace
Eat Like a King: The Meals of Henry VIII
Clarissa and the King's Cookbook
Time Team: Henry VIII's Lost Palaces
Britain's Tudor Treasure: A Night at Hampton Court
The making of Henry VIII's Crown
Greatest European Dynasties | Top 10 Countdown
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn - Monarchy & War
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn: Democracy fails in Europe
Interview with Empress Zita
Otto von Habsburg, Kaisergruft
Empress Zita, Kaisergruft
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan; On Monarchy
UnHerd; Curtis Yarvin: Why America should become a Monarchy
Monarchist's Vision for a Royal America / Inside The United Monarchist Party of America - 239