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Join date: Aug 25, 2020


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Hello! Glad you found your way to this website and decided to check it out!

I’m Austin, Founder and current leader of this website and movement. I’ve been studying monarchy, government, and political theory and philosophy for a little over 6 years now. I’m definitely not an expert and I don’t profess to have all the answers or to know everything; But one thing I do know and can see is the state our nation is in at this moment.

I was born and raised in Pennsylvania and grew up with an innate moral sense of how to treat people and the fact that we all, as US citizens, are in this together, till the end. My mother is a first generation US citizen, her parents moved here from Ukraine after WWII, My Father’s family is a mix of Early Settlers to what would become the US, late 19th century Irish and early 20th century Austrian Immigrants.

I care about this country greatly, it is the only one I’ve known, and I can’t see myself really being a part of any other. I may live anywhere, but this country will always be my Home.

My wish and hope is that all of us in this movement will work together to help our nation heal, mend the divides, and give it the strength to strive through the next century and beyond.

Austin Pomper

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