So I've been leaning towards monarchism for a long time ever since I became Orthodox and here recently I read Patriarcha by Sir Filmer and really latched onto this idea that the doctrine of divine right was the way to go and started digging into neoreactionary materiel, however some of these neoreactionaries I think go a bit too far when I started reading about Curtis Yarvin's thoughts on how to topple the current government. I started wondering if maybe I was getting a little radicalized, but then I watched this video explain how medieval monarchism was way different from monarchism from the absolutionist era. There was no concept of 'divine right' as the absolutionists conceived it as something that put the monarch above the law unaccountable to anyone. So as I understand it the doctrine of divine right is something of an innovation of kings starting in the 16th century or so. Still, I'm very attached to the concept of monarchy, and while I've distanced myself from my romanticization of absolutism I'm very keen on the idea of a semi-constitutional monarchy as this site promotes which is why I'm here now.
This is something of an introductory post since I'm new here. Hi.