Hey everyone! I'm Bryce, and I was just recently approved to join the website! I only just became a monarchist about a year ago, and I look forward to seeing where things go with UMP! To give my own background, I always was at least generally interested in monarchies, but figured they were just something that belonged in the Old World. I converted to Greek Orthodoxy, (long story,) and that introduced me to Jay Dyer. He mostly engages in Orthodox apologetics and philosophical debate on Youtube, but he also occasionally delves into politics, and he was the first American I had ever encountered who made a well reasoned and sensible argument for Monarchy. This was early in 2024, and the string of disasters that was our government at the time broke any faith I had in Republicanism, and after reading Reflections of a Russian Statesman by Konstantin Pobedonostsev and Leviathan and It's Enemies by Sam Francis, I was sold. I'm still developing my worldview, but right now I'm leaning more towards Absolute Monarchism, though I am amenable to a Semi-Constitutional Monarchy.
TL,DR: I'm happy to find a group of fellow American Monarchists, and I hope this party helps sway opinions in the American public regarding the idea of an American Monarchy!