At this time the U.K. is experiencing unprecedented levels of civil unrest caused by the murder of three native British young girls by Arabic immigrants. Political commentator Douglas Murray and YouTube satirist and comedian Count Dankula have pointed out the two-tier policing and open door immigration policy as the major cause of this unrest. This is the boiling point after a decade of unregulated immigration to the British Isles where democratically elected officials have imported foreign cultures to the U.K. causing the native cultures of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland to be displaced by Arabic Islamic cultures.
Douglas Murray has warned about this inevitable culture clash. He warns if the government does not about-face on their immigration policies and begin deporting those refusing to assimilate en mass, the British public will take care of this matter and it will be brutal. Yet the U.K. government remains headstrong in blaming the "far-right" on these protests and deny the two-tier policing that is so apparent to anyone local and abroad. U.K. government and police force are even considering going after foreign citizens (including U.S. citizens) who violate their "hate speech" laws and having them extradited to the U.K. to face trial and punishment.
Count Dankula has noted the same problems Murray has, and is on record stating democracy is a failed experiment and that monarchy is a more stable form of government. He even references Hoppe's book "Democracy: The God that Failed" as an example to his thought process on the subject. A book recommended by this organization in the recommended readings blog post. Count Dankula reminds the public that the British monarch reserves the right to dissolve the British Parliament at any time and obtain absolute authority when in a state of crisis. He illustrates in his video that King Charles III has requested updates on the protests and demands his monarch to enact his powers over Parliament.
The democratically elected British Parliament has failed to uphold the law in a fair and just manner. Native U.K. citizens have become second class citizens in their own homeland. Their own government calls them "racist far-right bigots" for not bending the knee to the abuse caused by these inept leaders and the violent invaders they allow to enter their country. The British Parliament is illegitimate by this failure to protect and represent their people. Therefore, King Charles III must dissolve the Parliament and resolve the immigration issue and restore order, civility, and the British culture! The U.S. should follow in step regarding our own immigration crisis.